Thursday, September 21, 2006

Lambs to the slaughter...Hooray!

Heheheh these are excerpts that I got from the Wine & Dine Magazine that Master was browsing thro in the library...such an apt description of how to use all the disgusting parts of the lamb...

The kama sutra recommends boiling sheep testicles in milk and sugar to be consumed as an aphrodisiac. In the Mid-west American, the fried version is called "rocky mountain oysters" while the British call it "lamb fries".

In India, MacDonalds serve Maharaja Mac burgers with ground mutton patties. In the Middle East roasted sheep heads are common dish served at banquets and guest of honour are presented with the eyeball which is considered a delicacy. Sheepskin was used for parchments while their large intestines were use for sausage casings and even condoms in Germany.

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