The bloody gory lamb at www.olimomok.blogspot.com tried to slander my good name by publishing all the bad things about dragons on the pathetic state of a blog site...it doesn't even have a counter to denote how many ppl have visited...probably NO ONE! haahhahah
I have to contact my Drew & Napier Lawyer to file papers for a defamation suit...esp. the "chio" one with long shapey legs in mini-skirt and....I'm digressing...
Anyway the idiotic lamb is blind and stupid cause I am a chinese dragon (see first picture posted below) and is auspicious and bring good luck to everyone who respects and is kind to. Dun the lamb knows that the Emperors of China used to wear the "Lung Pao", they don't go around wearing some "Yang Pao" do they, else it will mean that they have become as meek as lambs!
To the Chinese, the Imperial Dragon or Lung, is considered to be the primary of four benevolent spiritual animals, the other three being the phoenix, the unicorn and the tortoise. Having unrivaled wizdom and power the dragon symbolized the Emperors of China themselves, who were actually called dragons. Hsi, China's first emperor, was said to have a dragon's tail. Shen Nung, his successor was supposed to have been fathered by a dragon. The Chinese Emperor sat on a dragon throne, rode in a dragon boat and slept in a dragon bed.
Na Na Na..
Anyway the lamb is so evil...my owner has a pimple on his top lip. Nevermind that is a small scarifice for the greater good!
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